TRESCA ENGENHARIA occupies a prominent place in its area of expertise due to technical capabilities and engineering experience, with a focus on integrity evaluation and design of equipment and installations.

Critical analysis, open dialogue and technical collaboration with the client throughout the project are part of our team’s culture and our way of working. And that is how, for over 25 years, we have turned our customers into great partners.

Tresca Engenharia, always respecting ethics and transparency, considers that its reputation and credibility are important assets that are part of its culture and will always act aiming to maintain the image of a reliable, respectable and solid company for our Clients, Members and Employees   


Business Righteousness

 Tresca Engenharia complies, in the exercise of its activities, with an honest, dignified conduct, complying with local legislation, including fiscal and tax, norms, human rights, labor, the environment and the ethical standards of society.

Tresca Engenharia always complies with the contractual obligations established between the parties in their commercial relations, in addition to treating the project´s information with secrecy, confidentiality and with respect and protection of the intellectual property rights of its customers.

Tresca Engenharia prohibits any practice of corruption, bribery, extortion and fraud. Tresca Employees are prohibited from offering, granting, accepting, receiving or authorizing any illegal, improper payment or conferring benefits to any Member, public official, or any individual.

Illegal conduct such as offering a benefit or cash payment to Tresca employees and public agents, falsifying documents, involvement in illegal activities or conduct such as tax evasion, smuggling, bribery, among others, will be unacceptable and subject to applicable legal measures.

Employees of Tresca Engenharia are prohibited from accepting gifts, presents and trips.

Universal Human Rights

Tresca Engenharia’s Members and Suppliers must treat all their Employees with respect and dignity and must not practice acts of discrimination by race, color, gender, nationality, religion, disability, marital status or sexual orientation. Tresca Engenharia is against any type of harassment, whether moral, sexual, political or religious.

Labor Practices

Tresca Engenharia provides its employees and members decent working conditions regarding workload, health and safety, always respecting the labor legislation in which it operates and requires the same from its Suppliers.

Tresca Engenharia does not tolerate, permit or condone the use of forced and / or child labor in any process related to the Company’s activities.

Health and safety

Tresca Engenharia is always searching for and perfecting the care for the safety and well-being of its employees, and demands the same from its suppliers, who must provide a work environment with adequate physical and psychological conditions for the development of their activities. 


Tresca Engenharia believes that the sustainability of its business and the environmental quality of its activities are fundamental and seeks to assume the commitment to comply with applicable environmental legislation, promote services with recognized environmental quality, promote recycling whenever possible and have a responsible attitude regarding spending. water and waste generation, always contributing to an ecologically sustainable development, by reducing the environmental impact on its services.

Monitoring and evaluation

Tresca Engenharia monitors the development and performance of its Members and seeks, through this monitoring and evaluation, the objective of improving its management and relationship with all those involved in its business.